Join us on Sunday, 3:30 pm | 3017 Yost Blvd, Pearland, TX 77581

Wednesday @ 7 pm

Sunday @ 3:30 pm

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  • What do kids do during the worship service?

    We encourage our families to stay together for the whole service. At times that may mean a slightly less serene atmosphere, but the noises that do happen are understandable and definitely worth the benefits. We know that it is more challenging to keep the kids with you, but our congregation is very understanding because we believe in the great spiritual blessings it affords.

  • What is your worship style?

    You will find that the music on Sunday morning is a simply arranged mix of hymns, biblically sound contemporary choruses, and psalms. The lyrics for the music each Sunday are purposefully God-centered, biblically based, and reflective of spiritual truth. 

  • What about missions?

    Our church supports the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program, which has been very consistent and prolific in its missions efforts. We also support HeartCry Missionary Society, which works to equip and mobilize indigenous churches and missionaries. We regularly host foreign missionaries who are home on furlough as a way of fostering a heart for the evangelization of the lost and the support of those laboring in the fields. 

    We also believe the ministry of hospitality can be a form of evangelistic outreach. We encourage our members to make it a habit to invite both church members as well as their neighbors into their homes for dinners and fellowship time. Although staying in your local area may not be as common a theme in the minds of many when it comes to missions, Romans 10:14-15 is true even for the people in our own neighborhoods too:

    How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?  And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)

  • How do I join the church?

    There is detailed information on joining the church in the constitution and by-laws, but feel free to talk to an elder or deacon to find out more as well. We regularly host "Exploring Membership" classes where you can learn more about what we believe and have an opportunity to ask questions. 

    If you have any additional questions, please contact us.